Who are you? Beyond just a name or group of names, what do you stand for and believe in? How do you bring your product to the marketplace? Is it a good? Is it a service? It could be a combination of the two. Maybe you’re well defined enough that you transcend some, if not… Read more »
Tag: Marketing Branding
Marketing Trends and Groundhog Day
OK, so that is probably a strange title for today’s Purple Diamond Marketing Blog, but as I listened to the news talk about Groundhog Day and if the Groundhog will see his shadow to help us know if winter will soon be over I laughed and realized it is much like the trends in marketing. … Read more »
Taglines and Slogans
Taglines and slogans are more than just catchy phrases, they are how businesses continue to stand out from their competition and remain in the minds of the consumer. As an advertising agency and marketing coach Purple Diamond has created many taglines for their clients, but the biggest struggle is to help the business owner to… Read more »
Branding Your Business
What is a brand and why does your business need to have one? The brand of your business is how you appear to others. It is your identity as a business and with it you are able to shape how your audience sees you through your business name, color combination, logo, slogan, advertisements, and anything… Read more »
Traditional Advertising Still Needs Social Media Marketing
Why do so many businesses now have a Facebook and Twitter page? Simple, that is where the majority of people are spending their time! Whether they are using their Iphones or using internet from their PC at work or home, at any time of the day or night you will find a huge crowd hanging-out… Read more »
Saw It In The Paper Today!
As more and more newspapers are creating an on-line version of their daily paper to compliment the paper version of their publication and sharing it with Facebook and other on-line social media networks, advertisers are taking a second look at the importance of placing an ad or having their picture in the paper! This past… Read more »
We have all heard that this is the year for on-line social networking and having a blog, but is a blog right for you? To start one requires a serious commitment on the part of the blogger and the time to keep the blog active with consistent postings or it could reflect poorly on the… Read more »
This past Saturday my daughter was married at the Crestview in Woburn, MA and as I posted many of the photos of the day to my Facebook page I thought about how we planned the event so that it would be memorable to all who attended. The bride’s outfit and hair a perfect picture for… Read more »
I started my own Purple Diamond blog a couple of months ago and when I saw that I had over 1000 unique hits [1000 individual people] to my site I recognized the power of blogging and I was hooked like many other businesses that have learned that a blog is a great marketing tool if… Read more »
This morning as I attended the annual Kick-Off Breakfast for the North Shore Business Forum I was engaged in a conversation about having realistic expectations for our marketing efforts. We all want to have HUGE success. Who wouldn’t love to join a business networking group and walk away with a client on the first day… Read more »