Recommendations On Linkedin

This week I was happily surprised when one of my marketing clients posted a recommendation for my services on my Linkedin profile.  Though I have not really actively solicited recommendations for my work as owner of Purple Diamond on this site,  I have coached several clients on the importance of having a complete profile on social media sites like Linkedin which includes at least 5 or 6 solid recommendations and right now I have 12 listed on my own profile page.  Does  a recommendation on Linkedin get you noticed and more business? It could, but having a business profile on Linkedin without any recommendations might be hurting your image as a trusted professional.

Do you know how many recommendations you have right now on your Linkedin Profile?  Have you even taken the time to build your professional contact list on this site or actively joined groups that might lead to more business in your field? Think of Linkedin as a professional resume that you are posting for the world to see.  If you were applying for a position at a company or sending a proposal to a potential client do you think you would be taken seriously if you left out the offer of recommendations? Worse, what if they are requested and you honestly have none.  Marketing your business requires more than a logo, tagline and a fancy website.  Reputation and the willingness for other business owners to recommend your services will trump all the glitz every time.

Between yesterday afternoon when the recommendation went up live on Linkedin from Al Temkin  of  Temkin Financial Group and today, I have already received  7 responses from local business owners who read the testimonial! Great press comes from more than getting your name in the paper so please make sure that your own Linkedin profile page is ready for the world to see.

All my best to your success! ~ Charlene

“Success wears the Purple Diamond!”