Marketing Tip: Have a ribbon cutting for your new business or new location.
[“A ribbon cutting is the ceremonial opening of a brand-new or newly-renovated/relocated business that has opened within the last six months. It can inaugurate a business’s first day of business or it can take place weeks after the business’s soft opening.”]
By hosting a ribbon cutting, you can:
* introduce both the public and Chamber members to your business.
*familiarize the people with your product/services and location.
*generate leads and sales from attendees.
*start a customer data base with attendees information.
*great PR and photo opportunity for your business.
*publicly thanking your financial backers, your employees, your friends and family.
*talking about what your business does.
*send a special direct mail piece/invitation to area residents and local business owners.
*invite sports or business mascots and superheroes in costumes to add a photo opportunity for your guests and PR piece.
Be sure to reach out to the media prior to the actual event. Send them a personal invitation and offer some of the highlights of who will be attending and what other newsworthy information about your new business or location that would be of interest to their readers or viewers. If no media shows up for the event, do not hesitate to send your own press release out to various media sources. Also, consider hiring a professional photographer, PR Agency or social media marketer to help you promote the event online. Today, it is essential for you to look for every opportunity to promote your business and be proactive!