As Purple Diamond is winding down their short work week with the holidays fast approaching there is one question that popped up yesterday at a holiday open house that I attended at the Cummings Center in Beverly, “is it over yet?”  2009 was not exactly an easy year for local businesses, but it was still a year with growth. Ok, so you are asking yourself….”growth? huh???”  Yes, if you are still moving forward and you did not close your business under this interesting economy, then you grew.  You might have launched a new service that addressed a direct need because of the slow economy or you could have bundled your services or products in a way that stimulated sales.  You might have trimmed spending, asked yourself and your staff to take on more work, got creative with your marketing; hired Purple Diamond as your marketing coach, started a blog, published white pages about your trade and industry, had several business press releases get in print, joined Twitter and Facebook ,  reached out to local networking groups as a speaker in your field and stayed positive when so many others were running scared. Yes, you and your business grew and so did your staff and customers!

Purple Diamond would like to wish all of you Happy Holidays! Please share with us how this year has been for YOUR business and be sure to post about your company, along with a link to your website so that others can find YOU!

All my best to YOUR success!


“Success wears the Purple Diamond!”