Today is Saturday and next week is Christmas and Purple Diamond will be closed for the holidays. When I started my blog a few months ago I was clear that I would keep it to the work week only and not blog when I was off for vacation, but my stats show that there are still quite a few hits on the days I have not even posted a new topic. There are many types of blogs, but the key to knowing whether or not YOUR blog needs to take weekends, holidays and vacations off is in the strategy of why you started the blog and what your current stats and activity from the blog is!
If you are not looking at your stats and seeing the growth to your site then stop reading this and go to your Dashboard of your own blog and please get to know your own site. I use WordPress so it is very easy to see it in the “At a Glance” section. If only your IT support person has seen the backside of your blog and you are just writing and having them post this to your site you should be requesting reports from the person who is assisting you. You need the numbers to help you make an informed decision on how frequently your company needs to blog. As a marketing professional I will share that the more frequently & consistently you blog, the better stats you will have providing what you are posting is worth reading and sharing with others. And, if you are not using other sources like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, etc, to give a “shout-out” to your own blog topic you are working hard and not smart. I do not post a topic without Tweeting about it or sharing it with my fans on Facebook and friends on Linkedin. I also have the link as part of my signature for my emails and I verbally talk about my blog ALL the time. It is not a personal diary, though there may be some blogs that people are using as a journal without focusing on getting readers, but if you are using this as part of your business marketing strategy you have to self-promote and ask others to share.
So, for myself, I will still be blogging over the holidays and vacations, but it might not be as steady as I do during the work week.
All my best to your success!