Tag: Customer Service

Personal Marketing With A Gift

When was the last time you read a book or an article that left you inspired or gave you insights in to a subject matter that you knew right away that you wanted to share that literary work with others?  Have you ever considered reaching out to your top clients or prospects with the gift… Read more »


For some of my regular readers to my blog they know I have been missing most of this week because of a death within my family, but if you are new to my blog then you might have wondered where I have been so I decided to post today and share my thoughts. Death is… Read more »


Today is my daughter’s 22nd birthday and so I decided to write my marketing blog about birthdays and how wishing a client a “happy birthday” can elevate your status from their vendor to a friend! Why does it matter? Relationship building and connecting on a more personal level has always improved retention of customers.  Why… Read more »


Yesterday was one of those days in which the world was rushed and not everyone was offering the best customer service. Since I start my day with coffee, the local coffee shop sees me quite often and handles my order of Pumpkin flavored coffee at their drive thru window. Unfortunately, the beloved pumpkin was replaced… Read more »


Today is Veteran’s Day in the US and Remembrance Day in Canada, and I wanted to be sure to thank the military who have bravely defended my country, protected my family and way of life and helped to provide me the opportunity to be free to choose to be a business owner. There is so… Read more »