This morning I attended a local ribbon cutting for a new business at the Cummings Center in Beverly, Il Tramezzino Place. Since I am on the Board of Directors of the Beverly Chamber of Commerce I try to attend as many networking events as possible as a way of supporting the community and the chamber members, but it is also smart marketing to connect with the key players in your community. Knowing the local mayor, the director of the chamber and the other business owners in your community is part of strategic word-of-mouth advertising plan. Like a grass roots campaign with a limited budget, you hit the streets and shake hands and connect with the community. Support the community and businesses locally and you will find that many will do the same for you. Allow time for the relationships to grow and avoid high expectations for immediate results that will make you frustrated. Having a consistent presence at the local community and business events will help spread the word about your business and give you a positive attitude about actively marketing your business services.
All my best to your success!

“Success wears the Purple Diamond!”