The first Monday of the New Year is one of those days that can either be the jump you need to kick the year off for your business in a positive way or it can be one that has you feeling tired or overwhelmed.  Hopefully, other than feeling sore from shoveling snow all weekend, you are energized and ready to start 2010 with a strong start.  As a marketing coach I like to ask my clients if they have made a list of realistic goals for the NEW year. Your list can be as long as you choose, but my suggestion is that the length of the list is one that stretches your business to attain the growth you are looking for, but is not so long that you will feel lost before you even have a chance to get started. Once you have your list be sure to consider the selling cycle of your business, how holidays and special sales affect your work flow,  and then assign a goal completion end date for each task on your list.  If your office has open wall space, create a bulletin board that shows the list by month or quarter so that you are always focused on what goals you have set for your business.  The key is to keep everything in your visual path so that you do not fall victim to “out of site out of mind” bad habits.

If you have a high goal for your company’s sales as one item on the list, it is really important that you concentrate on having half your annual sales completed in the first quarter of 2010.  For instance, if you have annual clients for services that you render and it requires signed contracts each year be sure to secure these before the end of March. Do not delay. Keep your energy high and your positive attitude strong.  Motivating in the New Year from day one is key for higher sales and the success you want.

Don’t forget your team!  Motivation for all the key players who help your business is important for achieving the success you desire for 2010.  Have a kick-off meeting for your employees and share some of the key goals with them and ask for feedback.  If your budget allows, think of creative ways to motivate your team with incentive based earnings or bonus money so that when your business completes the quarterly goals everyone wins!

All my best to your success!


“Success wears the Purple Diamond!”