Social Media Marketing is an excellent way for a business to generate more business exposure and help to brand their business, but how do you get more clients from the time invested with Blogging and social sites? Converting online contacts to clients is most likely the real reason any of us spend the time we do online for our business. Yes, we can invest in new tech tools to help aid in our success like Social CRM Software that can help you to know how often your contacts are on your sites and which services or products are they looking at so you know exactly when to follow-up with them and close sales. [Note: contact me if you want to know more about these products and which ones I highly recommend.] But, beyond the tools, what can a small business do today to get better results for the time they spend online to get clients?
The first thing I recommend to my clients is that they offer quality information or tips to attract and maintain online contacts. The key is to be giving and helpful to their business or life. Give them a real reason to want to know more about you and your business. Erase the “sales hat” image and replace it with someone who cares about your contacts and not wasting their time. Allow them to feel comfortable to approach you with questions and be seen as the person who is there to help.
Next, know the right balance of giving help to contacts and becoming an unpaid consultant who never closes a sale. This is tricky, but I often get people who ask me for help with their social media marketing and marketing strategy for their business and since I am a paid coach I need to know when it is time to stop giving information away for free and to invite them to hire Purple Diamond. My rule is after 2 or 3 times of sharing my marketing expertise with a business I will take the communication off-line and set-up a meeting either on the phone or in person. This meeting is to convert the interested contact to a client or to re-classify them as not my ideal prospect and keep them as a contact with no intention to convert them or offer more free help other than my marketing tips that I post regularly.
Don’t try so hard that you turn your online contacts off from your business. Always remember that you have a quality product and when you appear “too needy” online it can have a negative impact for your business. People enjoy people who remain positive, upbeat and confident, but if you are negative and always looking desperate for a sale your pages will be the ones that are avoided. Look at your stats and if you are not getting traffic online ask yourself what needs to change. It might be the lack of content to your pages, but it could be that you are trying to “sell” in each post and that is making people avoid you.
Finally, be sure your pages offer testimonials and great info about why you are someone they should want to do business with. Offer consistent postings and interaction with your contacts and have a process ready to know when the best time is to close the sale. Good luck with your social media marketing!
All my best to your success~ Charlene