Having worked in TV advertising for many years I recognized the importance to getting your complete message out with only 30 seconds. Yes, TV can have shorter and longer ads and even infomercials that are 30 or 60 minutes long, but the majority of TV commercials are 30 seconds. But what about a video for your website, what is the best length for that message?

My standard answer to this question is to keep the video short so that you do not lose your audience and have them leaving your site to go somewhere else. Try to keep all video on your site to 2 to 3 minutes at the most. If you have a longer video, ask the producer to see if he can edit it to several shorter lengths and use it throughout your site. Try to put yourself in the chair of the consumer and see if you would honestly be interested in the video. If there are parts that drag on your video or it is not of the quality you would like to see, take the extra time to get the video message clear before posting it. This is not the best time to call in amateurs to do your video. I highly recommend you connect with a professional and have the quality that reflects your business image or hold off on adding video until your budget allows for it to be done well. Rates for video can vary widely so do some price shopping and look closely at what the producer has done for past videos.

Finally, once you have your video be sure to post it to as many places on-line as possible so that you are getting the most for your efforts. YouTube, Facebook, and any other site that allows you to upload your video message should be considered since it is how you will draw attention to your product.

All my best to your success!

“Success wears the Purple Diamond!”