Tag: Target Marketing

Random Thoughts about Brand and Beer

There is a defined set of images and feelings every company would prefer to spring to mind when consumers think about their “brand”. Each one is unique. What works quite well for one brand could spell death for another. Understanding the suit you’re wearing and what buttons to push while wearing it can be much… Read more »

Marketing Identity

Who are you? Beyond just a name or group of names, what do you stand for and believe in? How do you bring your product to the marketplace? Is it a good? Is it a service? It could be a combination of the two. Maybe you’re well defined enough that you transcend some, if not… Read more »

Technology, a Marketing Dream or Headache?

Website, Google Ad Words, SEO Campaigns, Email Marketing, Video Messages,  Social Media Sites, Blogs, QR Codes, Smartphone Marketing & Apps, Cloud Computing, On-line Malls and the list goes on and on! If your business is at least 20 years old there is a good chance that you never used any of the marketing technology that… Read more »

Do You Need a Marketing Coach?

We have all heard of personal trainers, life coaches, career coach specialists , real estate agents who coach you on buying or selling your home, and business consultant/coaches, but do you understand what a  marketing coach is and if you need one?  First, a marketing coach will offer help in key areas of marketing.  They… Read more »

The Right Time To Advertise

“How to Turn Around a Business in Trouble”  was today’s topic at the North Shore Business Forum in Danvers, MA.  Since I serve on the Board of Directors for this networking group, I try to attend each Friday and I enjoy listening to the various guest speakers that share their knowledge with the business group. … Read more »

Give To The Community and Help Your Business

Yesterday,  I received 2 thank you letters from a local Girl Scouts’ Cadette Troop who had asked me to speak at their Business Women’s Seminar in June and it prompted today’s marketing blog topic, “Give To The Community and Help Your Business”.   Whether your company sells business-to-business or business-to-consumers, the model of helping your community… Read more »


Targeting your market is simply defining who your primary customer will be. The market should be measurable, sufficiently large and reachable! LET GO OF YOUR FEAR! Target marketing cannot work and offer the sales results you need until you let go of your fear.  “EVERYONE” is not a target market. The fear factor is one… Read more »


This weekend I am busy doing a “marketing check-up” for a new client and part of that requires looking at their website, testing their performance in on-line searches, reviewing their effectiveness using on-line social networking sites and reviewing all the marketing collateral to see if they are enhancing the brand of the business and offering… Read more »


I have been asked to speak in February to the North Shore Business Forum on the topic of “Target Marketing” and how it is essential to better sales results.  So, what is target marketing and why should a business owner care to know their target market?  Well, most business owners lack a large sales force… Read more »


With “super sized” meals and a trend of everything going up in size, it is no wonder that many business owners suffer from a sales appetite that far exceeds what their business can support. We live in the world of BIG, BIG, BIG. Every business wants to have the biggest piece of the pie when… Read more »