Marketing On-Line with Video

For years I wrote and helped produce TV commercial campaigns and enjoyed the success that my clients got from using video for advertising that offered sight, sound and motion.  TV advertising offers an emotional impact for the viewer that radio and print advertising is not able to match.  Today, with the help of sites like YouTube and Blogs, small businesses are able to harness that same emotional message in their marketing campaigns with on-line videos! Companies  can generate trust, emotion, excitement and create images that powerfully brand your business to a targeted audience by sharing out their video on various internet sites at a fraction of the price to do a TV Ad campaign.  Viewership may be lower than what a popular TV show offers, but with on-line videos you can still reach a targeted group and measure exactly how often your video marketing message is viewed.

If your business is looking to create video for the internet be sure to work with a marketing professional who will help you to secure a qualified production company. You do not want your relative or friend who likes to shoot home movies or take pictures creating your marketing video message. This is not the time to hire an amateur for an important job.  You worked hard on building a business and one poorly produced video could ruin that quickly.  Look for a marketing professional that has worked in TV advertising or corporate videos because they will know most of the  producers in the area and can often negotiate a better rate so that you are always getting the best value for your money.

Since you will be uploading this video to  the internet make sure the video includes your URL , has your logo included for branding purposes, has a description added to sites that offer this as an option, has a strong title with keywords that are searched so that people notice the video and want to watch it,  and don’t leave out a “call to action” in the message and try to keep the video to be no more than 2 minutes in length.  The shorter and more concise your message the better. Consider the average TV commercial is 30 seconds long because studies have shown that this is the ideal length of time in which most viewers will sit and watch a message. Obviously, if you have a truly entertaining video or one with exceptional information, then you will be able to hold the viewer’s attention longer than 2 minutes.

Marketing your business today requires businesses to be more creative in delivering a message.  The days of displaying your products in a store window or showing a picture of the product on a website are over.  It is essential for you to actively engage your audience and leave them with a lasting impression of your business and your brand!

All my best to your success! ~ Charlene

“Success wears the Purple Diamond!”